. Dare to Dream with the Shapetalks Way To Win of Winners and Champions <

The Shapetalks Way To Win of Masters and Champions


For those who dare to dream

One power supersedes all others known to Man.

There has never been a power as immediately effective,
as consistently satisfying and fulfilling, nor will there ever be,
as long as there are human beings on this earth.

You yourself cannot argue... You're smart enough to agree with the power of this amazing shortcut and too stupid to tap into it.  Yes, you.

 I can prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt in the next 60 minutes.

Not one philosopher, doctor, teacher, billionaire or gold medalist will argue:

There is one resource available to every human being one-conditionally guaranteed to get results today; a magic power you can tap into in the next 60 seconds; guaranteed to bring you immediate, instant progress towards your sweetest, deepest dream. It is the power of acting within
this minute in time, for
 this is the most powerful minute you can possess.

In fact, this next hour will present to you sixty individual opportunities to do things with low effort, average effort, or superior effort. Sixty individual minutes of mediocrity or excellence, decided and determined by nothing and no one but you.

Are you low, average, or superior?

As it is with every human being, the next sixty minutes will tell us best, hm?

  Plant YOUR seeds of power!   Water and nurture them with daily movies.   CAN DO!  

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Use your shortcuts here at the world's largest free website, with pages

© EasyStreet, USA by Mister_Shortcut
All rights reserved for those who feed hungry people with my share of your profit.

In Memory of the utterly unique Monsignor Bernie Kellogg, and a dedicated student, known to so many as Mister_Shortcut

    Largest website on earth? Created by a single pair of hands    
Below you'll find a tiny little portion of the one million unique addresses of Shapetalks Way To Win DreamDare Success

Just like you, what I do speaks so loudly no words are necessary:
Welcome to the largest website on earth:
1,000-plus websites all connected, every page created by someone daring to dream,
someone willing to shut up and USE the Best Shortcuts of Winners and Champions. ...

just     for     you.


Yes, many of these sites will surely die over the months and years.
Fact is, I've built you over a thousand separate websites,
each filled with the Shapetalks Way To Win.
I've done my part building this for you - a one million pages and beyond
- - - for YOU to make more of what you have at your disposal. - - -
Now it is up to you, TODAY, to talk less...         and do more.

Fair enough?

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UniversalShortcuts.com     MrShortcut.US       MisterShortcut.org       AmazingHealth.us    

DreamDare As A Shapetalks Way To Win Keyword...
Dreamdare - such a wonderful keyword to pursue.

Dreamdare for him and some dreamdare for she,
looking to dreamdare their own sweeter history.
DreamDare your way into much better days,
all with the taste of a DreamDare this way.
The Shapetalks Way To Win....
for those who dare to dream,

DreamDare Me Now Again.
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Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, while today is a gift,
which we know because we call it "the present."

Ergo... if not now, then when?

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Don't forget your taste of Fibonacci domains, as presented and shared by the Shapetalks Way To Win.
Fibonacci is good, fibonacci is fascinating and engaging, and, maybe best of all the fibonacci features,
intentional use of numerical terms of the Fibonacci sequence seems to decidedly promote prosperity.
The Shapetalks Way To Win neither requires nor even solicits your belief in the powers of Fibonacci.
Rather, the Shapetalks Way To Win encourages you to learn fibonacci, to experiment with fibonacci.

Ruby 2
Ruby 3
Use It
It's YOU
Last Ruby
Desk I
Desk II
Ah Free
Pay You
Index 8
Age 14
IQ Boost
Mirror 7
Site 2
Site 3
Site 155
Site 216
Site 377
Site 489

How many schools of thought? Consider these, please.   The Shapetalks Way To Win, the Shapetalks Way To Win, the Shapetalks Way To Win, the Shapetalks Way To Win, the Shapetalks Way To Win, the Shapetalks Way To Win, the Shapetalks Way To Win, the Shapetalks Way To Win, the Shapetalks Way To Win, the Shapetalks Way To Win, the Shapetalks Way To Win, the Shapetalks Way To Win, the Shapetalks Way To Win, the Shapetalks Way To Win, the Shapetalks Way To Win, the Shapetalks Way To Win, the Shapetalks Way To Win, for a taste.

Psychology of Shortcuts Schools of Thought

Some of the schools of thought promulgated for you by MisterShortcut.
Each human being responds to different stimuli in some unique ways.
Some of us respond best to persuasion, others require tough love.
There is coaxing and wheedly, there is instruction and barking.
Many ways to communicate, and the internet empowers it.
Sure, plenty of resources were involved in creating this.
What will they matter when we finally erase starvation?
Each site is unique by up to a million or more factors.
They are here to empower you to empower yourself.
Your wealth now repeatedly doubles for all of us.
Half of that new wealth is fairly to be shared, hm?
The half that we earn together goes to the helpless.
Never mind tithing - that is a minimum for the stingy.
With the Shapetalks Way To Win, et alia, sharing is sharing.
Aside from you re-investing profits into helping the helpless, click!
Every day, click on food buttons or animal rescue buttons or rain forest...

There are many sites where smart and generous sponsors, who tend to deserve more business,
are good enough to pay for food and other help to utterly helpless human and other creatures.

All we have to do is click on their FREE buttons - if we see an ad, terrific.
The kind of organizations that support charity tend to earn our business!
Clicking once per week is nice; that's fifty-two life-saving deeds per year.
Clicking every day means more than 350 life-saving deeds per year, hm?
When you get others to click a few hundred times per year, guess what?
YOU BOTH get a life-saving credit, and you're a fool if you know this not.
Sir Isaac Newton taught and proved that what goes up must come down.
Every action in the universe possesses an equal and opposite reaction.

Imagine how many sweet things happen when you act to save more lives.
As the first human to prove a billion life-saving deeds, MisterShortcut testifies:
"It is impossible for you to save many lives and not receive thousands of profits."

You are the reason for the Shapetalks Way To Win, the Shapetalks Way To Win, the the the Shapetalks Way To Win, the Shapetalks Way To Win, the Shapetalks Way To Win, the Shapetalks Way To Win, the Shapetalks Way To Win, the Shapetalks Way To Win, the Shapetalks Way To Win, the Shapetalks Way To Win, the Shapetalks Way To Win, the Shapetalks Way To Win, the Shapetalks Way To Win, the Shapetalks Way To Win, the Shapetalks Way To Win, the Shapetalks Way To Win, the Shapetalks Way To Win, the Shapetalks Way To Win, the Shapetalks Way To Win, the Shapetalks Way To Win, the Shapetalks Way To Win, the Shapetalks Way To Win, the Shapetalks Way To Win, the Shapetalks Way To Win, the Shapetalks Way To Win, the Shapetalks Way To Win... and that's just a beginning of the works of MisterShortcut...

all because your assistance is needed and solicited to level the playing fields.
These sites intend to help you to help yourself so you can help other people.
The playing field of money is certainly evened up for YOU in all these pages.

As you gather more and money unto yourself, mostly by asking more people more,
which means asking more people... more times each... you can then share more.

Apparently the largest body of work from a single human being.
You are encouraged to learn more so that you can live more.
Do not fall into the trap of thinking these are mirrors.
If you can find identical pages from this millennium,
it is a rare exception that carries no admiration.
Only focus on things that create resolutions.
We always move towards what we focus on.

Teach yourself from the Shapetalks Way To Win, the Shapetalks Way To Win, the Shapetalks Way To Win, the Shapetalks Way To Win, the Shapetalks Way To Win, the Shapetalks Way To Win, the Shapetalks Way To Win, the Shapetalks Way To Win, the Shapetalks Way To Win, the Shapetalks Way To Win, the Shapetalks Way To Win, the Shapetalks Way To Win, the Shapetalks Way To Win, the Shapetalks Way To Win, the Shapetalks Way To Win, the Shapetalks Way To Win, the Shapetalks Way To Win, the Shapetalks Way To Win, the Shapetalks Way To Win, the Shapetalks Way To Win, the Shapetalks Way To Win, the Shapetalks Way To Win, the Shapetalks Way To Win, the Shapetalks Way To Win, the Shapetalks Way To Win, the Shapetalks Way To Win, the Shapetalks Way To Win, the Shapetalks Way To Win, the Shapetalks Way To Win, the Shapetalks Way To Win, the Shapetalks Way To Win, the Shapetalks Way To Win, the Shapetalks Way To Win, the Shapetalks Way To Win, the Shapetalks Way To Win iest Living, the Shapetalks Way To Win, the Shapetalks Way To Win, the Shapetalks Way To Win ful Shortcuts, the Shapetalks Way To Win, the Shapetalks Way To Win, the Shapetalks Way To Win, the Shapetalks Way To Win, the Shapetalks Way To Win, the Shapetalks Way To Win, the Shapetalks Way To Win, the Shapetalks Way To Win, the Shapetalks Way To Win, the Shapetalks Way To Win, the the the Shapetalks Way To Win, the Shapetalks Way To Win, the Shapetalks Way To Win, the Shapetalks Way To Win, the Ways of Greatest Health, the Shapetalks Way To Win, the Shapetalks Way To Win, the Shapetalks Way To Win, the Shapetalks Way To Win, the Shapetalks Way To Win, the Shapetalks Way To Win, the Shapetalks Way To Win, the Shapetalks Way To Win, the Shapetalks Way To Win, the Shapetalks Way To Win, and, yes, even more, from the Godfather of Shortcuts and EyeCandy, MisterShortcut, MrShortcut, Mister_Shortcuts, DoctorShortcut and more.

Today is the most powerful day of your life. Compose a song today. Take any three chords that sound nice, and just hum something, whistle something, sing out whatever words pop up out of your throat. It's fun, it's cool, and you never know what you will come up with, aside from physically-boosting, mentally-helpful, emotionally-cathartic excitement and satisfaction.

Doodle a drawing, discover new shortcuts by searching for them (we humans have a wonderful habit of finding almost precisely what we look for most often and most ardently.

Today is the most powerful day of your life, because it is the only day in which you can take action.
Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift, which we know because we call it "the present." That's neither a joke nor a coincidence. The word was constructed that way with great consideration. Act as if you understand it. Don't bother telling us that you understand this, at least not with your lips. Tell us with your actions. More than that, tell the most important face you have washed lately.

Yes, still more "MisterShortcut schools of thought"

Create your own versions of the Shapetalks Way To Win, the Shapetalks Way To Win, the Shapetalks Way To Win, the Shapetalks Way To Win, the Shapetalks Way To Win iest Living, the Shapetalks Way To Win, the Shapetalks Way To Win, the Shapetalks Way To Win ful Shortcuts, the Shapetalks Way To Win, the Shapetalks Way To Win,