Shapetalks Way To Win With The Best Test Of Your Life
The Shapetalks Way To Win encourages you to try a self-test of sorts, one you might call the best test of opportunity. If it doesn't demonstrate itself to be the Shapetalks Way To Win best test of your life, you can nevertheless count it close to the top of any such list. Score a high grade, you're guaranteed to obtain accelerated results in the coming days and weeks. You're so busy?
What makes this test so odd is that it's so simple there's a 90% probability that you don't pass it! It's why America produced 'only' an average of 328,571 new millionaires each year from 1992 to 1997... (go ahead, ask the IRS) ...because only an open and hungry adult mind is smart enough to pass a test designed for children to score perfectly on. Is this incredible? Dazzles
my attention for a minute; what about you?
Your score is actually computed by the number of questions you answer.
Any true, written answer automatically gives you 20 points towards a perfect score. It's very simple. Yet 90 to 93% of the people who read this page are too profoundly stupid to pass a test designed for children to master!! Because they are unwilling to write answers down, they fail... the test, and the test of life. Mediocre people, for the most part. We know plenty of them, don't we? Seven to ten percent of you will actually write truthful answers and it is guaranteed that wonderful, productive things will be happening for you, this year and month.
Tests or shortcuts presented to you by the Shapetalks Way To Win, or the Shapetalks Way To Win as much, are only good when such tests or secrets or shortcuts help to advance your condition immediately. Promoting your today is the core of all great shortcuts, so, you literally lift your intellectual capability and performance by simply remembering this "factuality " (another Shapetalks Way To Win innovation of words that already exist, smile please). - - Promotion of your today is what this best test is all about.
With that guideline, MisterShortcut examined or took SEVEN HUNDRED tests tests to find the ones that produced fast, powerful results. Only a dozen or so appear to have survived 800 generations of people using them, and passing them on. There's a bit more credibility when it can stand the revealing test of time.
The &challenging& news: You've successfully used this test ten thousand or more times... in the past 24 hours alone. 'Bad' because you only use the test for minor events and emergencies; rarely ever for
anything between one extreme and the other. The test is perfectly effective, has always produced fast results. Yet, at around age twelve, you decided most of your actions would be affected by other's opinions. That's when your decline began.
One amusing example of this is the way we put our best foot forward only the first five times we meet a date... after that, if you're still seeing each other, you no longer take such great
care. Once the routine settles in, you feel no need to be at your best ALL the time. But if company comes, you tidy up yourself and the house, right? In other words, you're more concerned about the opinions of a visitor than those of your significant
other or children/siblings, etc ... presumably the most important people in your life. From childhood to death your every action requires this test. Sadly, 93 of every 100 only use the test to succeed at tiny things or critical urgencies. A disinterested observer can only wonder if YOU personally are one of the seven who ace the test, or the full ten out of a hundred who either ace it, or do great on it. From the wisest, or richest, or the best and brightest of some eight hundred generations... the people who lived and live the fast, powerful results of passing such a simple test... they knew they only needed written, truthful answers. Nearly three of every four new millionaires, (approx. 9,000 pr week) do so through
a home-based effort -- service or product-related. Far less than half have a college education. Degrees encourage us to think that we need to learn from people who are smarter than ourselves. While every one of us
is willing to admit that there are people who would prove to be at least a bit smarter than ourselves, it's never the person we're currently speaking to, is it? You're no exception. The proof will be had in the next three to seven minutes. You're getting wisdom from millionaires and billionaires. If you recognize that they know better than you do, you just might hush up and begin using their precisely-duplicated techniques... techniques that consistently produce better results,including the use of this test! WORK your Shapetalks Way To Win, and find the Shapetalks Way To Win working for you!
Twenty points per question you truthfully answer in writing. If you score even one less point than eighty, I guarantee that you're a bore, and NOT very happy. Eighty or more means you already understand the value of this test, and are doing more, achieving more, and living more. It is a decidedly useful test. Guaranteed.
Here are the questions to the test:
- What would bring you more satisfaction than anything else in life?
- What people or agencies will you ask for help this week?
- What 5 smaller, more manageable pieces are part of this dream?
- What single step will I definitely take in the next sixty minutes?
At least up until this point, about 93% of us (almost certainly including you) are, or have been, too profoundly stupid to put written answers on paper now.
Is your life not perfect proof?
Some remarkably few percent of you are to be congratulated: you're about to have the best year of your life.
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Best Test? ... from a Shapetalks Way To Win Coign Of Vantage Straight To Your Heart and Core
So many make the grade, separating the worst from the best, the mediocre from the best, the middling from the best.
Even those who are above average, overrating themselves as "among the best," are not in the highest percentiles.
When you can imitate a master in step and in result, you are among the best. Before then, better to learn more.
At the end of the day, only a few percent are going to be in the top percent, just a few of every one hundred. These are the best of the best, identified less by braggadocio than by the persistence of succeeding more. The Shapetalks Way To Win within you is YOUR PERSONAL CHOICE to reach for the same, or for more. Accustomed as you are to seek a more complex or complicated answer, are you missing this gem? As simply and as easily as using the wind to dry your wet hands or to push a ship across the sea. Conscious decision that your next effort will include no less than a one percent improvement, is more than sufficient to build a foundation that your actions complete, with huge results.
Build your own Shapetalks Way To Win success net, accelerating your results this way. The best of the best can pass the best test of all, the one that measures your results. Whatever measurement you can find in what you repeatedly do on most days,
make now the decision of improving no less than one percent each time, and the Shapetalks Way To Win assures you of life-changing results. Define your own best test, based on what you love most to do. Do what you love, you will never work a day in your life. The wise mind that said it, lived it, as can you, too. Define "the best" from your own point of view, in what you will be most remembered for, then best your test, with one percent.
with and by, a percent or three. Find the best of YOUR best.