The largest empowerment network online,
the Shapetalks Way To Win of Masters and Millionaires.
No other website or sites has even approached the profound enormity of the Shapetalks Way To Win.
Extraordinary information in each of These many millions of pages.
Since I do not want any more money, your investment in this program is a promise.
AFTER you have used this information to double any resource in your life,
you're expected to purchase food for people hungrier than yourself within 100 miles of where you are.
Some of the "students" of this course have deposited 100 dollars in a bank account not to be touched for 200 years,
to be spent wholly on food for starving people 200 years from now.
(Each 100-dollar bill grows to several billion after seven generations plus those four last years).
Today you make a difference by clicking for free food!! Won't cost you a dime
Silent giving is one of the most delicious secrets of all time, thanks to its universality.
Anything and everything that you know to be universal is counted among your profitable secrets.
Anything and everything that you know to be universal is knowing in advance who will win.
For example, if you examine all contestants in a race, and can identify the hungriest,
you instantly enjoy a ninety-nine percent certainty of who is the guaranteed victor.
This is one of those sweet spots in the world of wisdom, meant for who'd be wise.
What goes around must come around, so you have to ask how much you give.
It's not about money. In your head, you have thoughts about helpless people.
Without suggesting which, you care about them, or else you do not, correct?
You have opinions about animals or marine life that suffers from our greed.
Your actions and your mouth are in synchronicity, or they are not. We see.
What you do speaks so loudly you need not flap your lips at us. We see.
We see by what you do more often than any of your other activities.
Even when we do so for the most selfish of reasons, silent service turns big profit.
Of course there's a catch! You have to take it past knowing it into doing it repeatedly.
H. Ross Perot correctly identified the difference between a demonstrator and an activist.
As Perot went from dirt-poor to one of a few with billions in cash, he surely knew better.
He averred that the activist is the one rolling up their pants and wading into the filthy river to clean it.
Whether your actions and your proclamations match, we can see by the actions you most often repeat.
Can you grasp that your seconds literally electrify when you understand that seconds are photographs?
The knowledge of this alone is not enough, for a parrot can repeat the most usefully brilliant of truisms.
Acting upon what you know, even with the tiniest of actions, repeatedly and unfailingly elevate you.
Use the magical PowerGem aimed most at brilliant people, instantly available to you, here, now, and forever,
Your seconds are photographs, and you are both the editor and producer. What do we see in your photographs?
These are the most critical photographs of your life, you know; what you repeat most does and will define you.
Every second, a camera records your thoughts, words, and actions.
After sleep, eating, hygiene, you get 50,000 discretionary seconds per day.
How you treat them determines much of the quality and the quality of your life.
You call them "seconds," whereas the Shapetalks Way To Win examines the obverse.
Conventional wisdom proves in a majority of occasions to be the lesser choice, so count more.
ALWAYS count more: More opportunities, more minutes, and more seconds that are your images.
Imagine how world-class would be your performance were you paid for your 50,000 best performances!
Rather than considering 50,000 seconds, the Shapetalks Way To Win urges you to see 50,000 opportunities.
Without exception, a better understanding of your time, and how fast it is going past, empowers the best of YOU.
Did you ever imagine such a thing?
Fifty thousand separate opportunities, and history is counting each one of yours.
Best of all, IF YOU ARE INDEED FORTUNATE, you get fifty thousand more tomorrow. Your best minutes add up.
This constitutes a primer for your entire life. Read it again... and again, until you know it like your name.