Best Shortcuts For Bosses - More accurately, the best shortcuts for the best bosses
Shapetalks Way To Win shares the best shortcuts that all top-performing bosses use.

Shapetalks Way To Win of Masters and Champions - Role Models Who DO Better

Boss? Ultimately, the boss has few legitimate excuses, let alone good reasons, for less than ideal performances. After all is said and done, the boss takes the blame, so the boss also needs tools to generate credit for jobs well done.

Kicking people until they get happy is rarely an effective way to become the best boss.

How excited are your employees at any give time?

Are they as excited as you? If so they have a reason for being that excited, and someone provide them with that reason or those reasons to be excited, or, at the very least, enthusiastic.

One of the greatest determinants of how great a boss you are is how happily you can increase productivity, which means looking to find and create ways to give people reason to get as excited as you.

Of course, if you're not excited, this whole excellence thing is probably not for you. Excitement is a fuel and gasoline that spreads about as fast as the intensity calls for. This means finding reasons for YOU as a boss to be excited. Shattering so many records for all of those companies never took place by accident. In each organization, little tiny steps of catching people red-handed in the act of excellence, encouraging those who are on the brink of success and may not recognize it...

... all predicated on you having reasons to be in the zone of energy and excitement. You already know that these qualities are contagious, so, generate them intentionally rather than waiting for a reason to be so focused on what works.

Is your mind sufficiently flexible to allow you to understand that excited employees consistently and repeatedly produce more?

Do you specifically realize that they also produce higher quality of work?

For this one minute in time, let's both focus on the mental picture of an excited, charging group of people, led by a focused, also-excited manager or executive.

Without paying his fee, why not use the only man alive to read 17,000+ books, who electrifies every group he works with into instant action? He refuses pay until his clients see results. Instead of hiring Easy Street, USA. to send him to you, we'd prefer that you, as manager, personally get excited and write down on paper just one new idea every three hours for the next week. One new idea to get every employee excited. By week's end you'll have quite a list, yes or no?

Since you've made it to management, you're urged to defy the Peter Principle which claims that people rise to their highest level of incompetence. One new idea every three hours for a week. The results will astonish & delight you personally... and professionally.

Along with the intensely productive technique of catching people red-handed in the act of doing something right, and publicly making 'a big deal' out of it, this PowerGem of "idea generation" has demonstrated itself to be the single most compelling reason for MrShortcut being credited with instigating the breaking and/or shattering of more than one hundred and seventy production and sales records at five major NY companies

By the time you've written, close-your-mouthwritten, fifty ideas, fifty reasons for your people to get excited about breaking records, you'll have many useless ideas, a few good ideas, and one or two that are world-class. Unconditionally guaranteed to every human who has made it to The lowest rung of management. That one idea will charm 80% of your employees (See Pareto Principle), and your productivity starts moving towards that magic top ten percent. It works every time.

This one method is used 365 days per year by many hundreds of thousands of self-made millionaires. Do you really believe you know better than the horse's mouth? Are you one of the 5,950.000 Americans currently earning $80,000 per month or more? Any day that you're not getting excited and using your pencil, you can be sure that a too-generous portion of your resources are being too-lightly tapped. You do NOT need more to get more; you simply need to use more of what you already now have at your disposal!!!

We'd prefer you to be smart enough to save your money and implement these simple powers on your own. There are other ways you already know about which will increase your business. If your boss came to you today and said, 'Boost productivity by 20% in sixty days or you're gone,' we somehow believe you will do so as long as your position is of sufficient importance to you. You would have a reason to get excited, and, like smiles and yawns, both ends of the motivation scale are contagious.

When was the last time you caught an employee, red-handed, in the act of doing something right? Far more than any other bellwether, this is your tool for assaying precisely how much people WANT to produce for you, and for mutual benefit:   how appreciated they are.   
No one says you have to go overboard in kissing an employee's feet. What you ARE being reminded of is the mathematically precise formula that comprises Newton's Third Law of Physics ('Every action in this universe produces an equal and opposite reaction.')

We urge you, with the utmost vigor of discourse,to pull out your pen and paper and begin that list, with no less than one new idea every three hours.
As well, it is no less vital that you either begin, or measurably expand, your own personal and professional ability to catch people in the act of doing something right. Sumner Redstone, a man involved in vital, bilion-dollar decisions into his seventh and eighth decades of life, was known to remind people that 'luck' is merely an acronym for Laboring Under Correct Knowledge.

Most of us understand that an excited employee is a more productive employee. Few of us act upon all that we know. How about you?


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